Supporting organizations of the appeal “for a Nuke free Europe“
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) campaigns non-violently to achieve British nuclear disarmament – to get rid of the Trident nuclear weapons system and stop its replacement. But we recognise that Britain’s nuclear weapons are only a small part of the problem, so we also campaign for a global nuclear weapons ban. Join us.
CND is funded entirely by its members and supporters. Our policies are decided upon by our annual national members’ conference, where our national leadership is also elected. We are a proud, grassroots movement comprising local groups, regions and nations, as well as specialist sections. CND works with an alliance of anti-Trident organisations, trade unions and faith communities to achieve our goal of a nuclear weapons-free world.
IALANA Germany
IALANA GerIALANA Germany – Association for Peace Law – German section of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms is dedicated to the strengthening of law instead of a law of the strongest. As an organization of lawyers, IALANA dwells from many experiences in non-violent conflict resolution. Sadly, in international conflicts, accepted rules of inner-state human cohabitation are quickly out of sight. Instead of prevention, negotiations or mediation voices call for the deployment of weapons. This is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations. IALANA produces expertise of international and constitutional law on areas of conflict and crisis as well as military interventions and work towards strengthening law. A very important aim of IALANA is the prevention of the use of nuclear weapons as well as the complete abolition of weapons of mass destruction.
Rete Italiana per il Disarmo
Rete Italiana per il Disarmo(the Italian Network for Disarmament) was established in 2004 as a coordination and focal point for more than 20 organizations (of different kinds: grassroots associations, trade unions, research institutes, religious organizations) aimed at working together on various issues regarding arms control, military expenditures, paths towards nonviolence and disarmament.
RID is a member of the most important international Campaigns and networks within the field of humanitarian disarmament.
Women for Peace Finland
Women for Peace in Finland aims to build a culture of peace, education for peace in a world free from both physical and structural violence, nuclear weapons and nuclear power. The Women For Peace movement is a non-political peace movement.
Dutch Socialist Party
The Dutch Socialist Party (SP) has become one of the biggest political parties in the Netherlands. As a modern socialist party, it has attracted an ever larger electorate. The party seeks to build a society based on human dignity, equivalence and solidarity. To achieve this, the party is active both inside and outside Parliament.
What is modern socialism? What kind of world do we want? How does our party manage to attract tens of thousands of active members and more than a million voters? With this website we will try to answer these questions.
The SP stands for a programme of principles, called ‘The Whole of Humanity’ (‘Heel de Mens’). It contains the core of the SP’s vision of society and the alternatives proposed by us. Our positions and activities are based on three concepts: human dignity, equivalence and solidarity. It is these values that in the course of many centuries have emerged as essential and indispensable aspects of human civilisation and progress. Human dignity, equivalance and solidarity constitute, together with our rational analysis of the world, the yardstick against which we measure developments and judge alternatives. Whatever we consider as positive from this perspective, we attempt to promote; whatever we consider as negative we try to prevent or combat.
Human dignity is the respect of one person for another, the right to decide freely the direction
society should take, a secure existence for everyone, and a fair chance for every person to live in freedom and strive for his or her own happiness.
Equivalence means that everybody counts equally. On this basis we promote tolerance throughout society and fight every form of discrimination.
Solidarity between people is necessary because the opportunities afforded to one are less than those enjoyed by another. By helping and caring for each other we can give a fair chance to everyone to lead a fulfilling life.
Le Mouvement de la Paix
“Le Mouvement de la Paix” is a French non-governmental organization founded in 1948 to oppose war and nuclear armaments, and to support international relations based on justice, democracy, and interpersonal cooperation. With offices around the country, the French Peace Movement promotes peaceful resolutions to violence through the alleyways of diplomacy and political negotiations. It supports those who work for peace in the hearts of conflicts, and the concept of worldwide peace through education and the creation of a culture of peace. The French Peace Movement is registered as a National Association of Youth and Popular Education.
Vrede vzw
Vrede vzw is a movement and takes it literally. In order to bring about change, action is also needed. For years Vrede vzw has been at the forefront of resistance against war, oppression and injustice with manifestations, events and campaigns. Exposed, informed citizens who stand up for peace and justice ensure that our society can develop into a healthy democracy.
Join the supporting organizations of the appeal “for a Nuke free Europe” with your organization. Feel free to contact us.